Phi Beta Kappa Northern California Association, Inc.

September 2006 Newsletter

PBKNCA home page

From the President

Dear Fellow Phi Betes:

Although the calendar year begins in January, and the fiscal year begins in July (when the Board also has its yearly organizational meeting), it seems to me that the year for our Association really begins in September with this newsletter and culminates in our Annual Dinner in the Spring. This year, as for several years in the past, Mel Shattuck sponsored our use of the UC Berkeley Faculty Club for this event. We were pleased that evening to award $5,000 scholarships to twelve exceptional graduate students and $500 teaching excellence honoria to five outstanding professors.

The business part of the evening resulted in the approval of the slate of officers submitted by the nominating committee, as well as thank-you’s and farewells to those whose efforts have made our Association successful. We will all miss Mary Hanel, who is retiring as past president and who has served the Board faithfully as recording secretary, chapter liaison, program chair, president, and past president, as well as Board representative to the nominating committee. Muriel Bell, after serving as scholarship chair and president, assumes her new role as immediate past president. Although Leon Fisher is irreplaceable, Cindy Lerner is tackling his long-term job as teaching excellence chair. The new corresponding secretary is Georgia Maslowski, and Jae Emenhiser has volunteered to be Asilomar chair. We are extremely fortunate that all the other Board members are remaining in their offices.

This continuity, especially in the area of membership chair and treasurer, has had direct benefits for our Association. Due to the Herculean efforts of Letitia Sanders, we now have an accurate database and know, among other things, how much it costs to attract a new member through mass mailing. Although we were concerned that raising our dues to $30 would adversely affect our membership numbers, we have discovered that this is not the case. In fact, more people generously wrote checks in excess of the actual dues than ever before. Our long-serving treasurer, Mary Gilliland, who not only impresses the audit committee with her annual reports, but also with her home-made soup, has found secure, profitable investments for our money, which you, our members, so generously contribute.

The people on the Board who haven’t served quite so long are also doing an outstanding job. Stanley Kahn, our new program chair, has been happily planning any number of interesting activities, some of which you will see advertised elsewhere in this newsletter. Our recording secretary, Mary Granger keeps us all informed and reminds us of our commitments with her very accurate minutes. Janiece Nolan, our chapter liaison, had a Board representative at every initiation and has instituted practices that resulted in more students nominating professors for our teaching excellence awards than ever before. Joanne Sandstrom and her committee have done an excellent job in selecting scholarship recipients. And of course, there is Gerry Richards, our newsletter chair, without whose exceptional efforts our Association would not be able to survive. Sadly, though, he has stated that this will be his last year. (A brief description of the duties of the office appears on pages 6 & 7.) So, if any of you are interested in serving the Association in this way, we can certainly use you. I can speak from personal experience that we have a great Board, made up of great people.

We must be doing something right, as National has contacted us to discover the secret of our creative programs and our active membership participation. The Bay Area, of course, lends itself to wonderful activities which attract members and entice them to become active in the organization. The Key Reporter has recognized the importance of one of our most popular programs, our Asilomar conference, and will have an article about it in their fall issue. We will also have an opportunity to share our experiences with others this October at the Phi Beta Kappa Society’s Triennial conference in Atlanta. Joanne Sandstrom will be our representative there and will meet with other Associations and chapters from all over the country.

Looking back, we can be proud of the successful year just past. Looking forward, I am confident this year will also be successful because of our wonderful members and outstanding Board.

, President

Excellence in Teaching Award – 2007

PBK NCA has for many years made annual Excellence in Teaching Awards. Each award consists of a handsome certificate and a $500 honorarium. All members of  PBK NCA are encouraged to nominate a teacher who made a special contribution to their development. Eligible nominees are faculty members of the seven universities of Northern California that harbor PBK chapters: the University of California, Berkeley, the University of California, Davis, the University of California, Santa Cruz, Mills College, San Francisco State University, and Stanford University. Although the university at which the nominee teaches must have a PBK chapter, the nominees need not be a member of PBK. A copy of the nomination form appears on page two of the newsletter. It is also available on the  PBK NCA website.  I need completed applications before November 30, 2006. The Association presents the awards at the annual dinner in May 2007.

, Chair, Teaching Excellence Committee

 Get the nomination form here

2006 Scholarship Winners

In 2006, the Scholarship Committee awarded a dozen scholarships in the amount of $5,000 each to graduate students at campuses in our area. We received applications from twenty-one students representing seven campus chapters. I thank the members of the Scholarship Committee (Jeff Fenton, Lynne Fovinci, Mary Gilliland, and Gerry Richards) for helping review the applications and make the difficult decisions needed to pare the list to the twelve outstanding students chosen. These students represent the highest standards of scholarship and exemplify PBK’s ideal. Special thanks to Maria and Burt Norall for funding a scholarship again this year.

Arthur William Bahr, English UC Berkeley, Norall Family Awardee
Brooke Erin Crowley, Earth Sciences UC Santa Cruz
Talissa Jane Ford, English UC Berkeley
Eleanor Bayne Johnson, English and Medieval Studies UC Berkeley
Lisa Ann,Justice, History UC Davis
Andrew J. Koontz-Garboden, Linguistics Stanford
Charles Chia-hong Lin, Medicine UC SF
Darius Parke Ornston, Political Science UC Berkeley
Corinna Riginos, Ecology UC Davis, Elizabeth Reed Awardee
Brian J. Schulman, Medicine UC SF
Todd Stephen Sechser, Political Science Stanford
Jessica Lea Weeks, Political Science Stanford

, Second Vice President – Scholarships

Newsletter Chair Needed

I have never actually tabulated the time I devote to the task of Newsletter Chair but I can give a fair idea of what is involved. I attend Board meetings every second month starting in September each year, which take a minimum of 4 hours each depending on where the meeting is held. We go to various Board Members’ houses for the meetings. Board Members volunteer to be a host about once a year. The last meeting at my house took 8-10 hours of my time because I baked bread and, with my wife doing most of the other work except cleanup, served coffee and scones at the beginning of the meeting and a light lunch at the end of it. (Bread baking is optional, of course.)

We put out four or five newsletters a year. Each one is a bit different and takes different amounts of time because of it. I estimate the average time spent on each newsletter is about 20 hours or so. I also prepare the program for the Annual Meeting, which consists of getting the names and affiliations of the Scholarship and Teaching Excellence Awardees from the two committee chairs, preparing the copy for reproduction and having the programs printed at Kinko’s. That doesn't actually take much time but stretches over several days and involves travel to and from the nearest Kinko’s.

Every three years, the Association issues a directory of the membership. The 2005 issue was a 44-page document. I worked on it for many days over a period of perhaps two months. I am sure it took two or three workweeks. I have been using MicroSoft Office 2003 software. Board memgers generally newsletter articles and programs by email with attachments in MSWord or MSExcel. I communicate with the printer by email and send my copy as attachments. I have never actually visited the place of business of our present printer. My predecessor produced his copy on his printer and took it to the printer in person. Email is much faster and takes far less time.

In April of each year, I help prepare and mail the President’s letter to the membership for printing. This letter goes to members and former members whose dues are unpaid for the year of the mailing. I am also responsible for seeing that the newsletters, directories and President’s letters are mailed and there is sufficient postage available in our impound account at the Post Office in Walnut Creek to cover the particular mailing. The Treasurer is responsible for sending the checks to the Post Office when she or he hears from me that the account is low. Occasionally, I get to write an article or a book review for the newsletter when there is blank space that would otherwise go to waste. When that happens, there will be extra time consumed in preparing the article or review. From time to time, I provide various sizes of letterhead and special stationery to other Board members.

I enjoy doing the work and really enjoy the Board Meetings and interacting with the capable and intelligent people who serve with me. I have been doing this job for about 6 years and find it takes the time I would otherwise use for my own writing. I wish to devote time to completing my second novel and finding out how to sell my first novel that was self-published in 2003.

If you have an interest in this job, please feel free to ask questions via email and, if you wish, you could help with proofreading crew just to get a feel for what the job entails. (To test your proofreading skills, see if you can find the two errors that were missed in this section! Send me a note if you find them.)

, Newsletter Chair

Chapter Liaison Report

I am pleased to report that we had a Northern California Association representative at each of our seven chapter initiations. Most of us were asked to speak and each of us was acknowledged during the ceremony. As Chapter Liaison, I supply each university chapter with written information to give to each initiate. We provide free membership in our Association for the first year for new initiates. We also ask the new initiates to give us nominations for the Teaching Excellence Award.

Special thanks go to our first time volunteers: Sandra Belanger (Mills College) and Karen Schroeder (UC Santa Cruz). Also thank you to Mary Gilliland (Stanford University), Jean James (UC Berkeley), Letitia Sanders and Jean James (UC Davis). I attended two initiations (San Francisco State University and Santa Clara University).

, Chapter Liaison

Upcoming Events

Person making a reservation MUST BE a Phi Beta Kappa Member, but need not be a member of the Northern California Association.

We have scheduled three tours for early 2007, which are described in this Newsletter. An outstanding exhibit currently at the de Young Museum, for which time does not permit scheduling, but which we recommend viewing, is that of the very colorful Quilts created by African-American Women, descended from slaves, who reside in a locality in Alabama, in a bend in the River of the same name, known as “Gee’s Bend”. The exhibit, The Quilts of Gee’s Bend” has been so popular that the Museum has extended the exhibit by two more months, until December 31, 2006. Don’t miss it!

We would like to call our members’ attention to the importance of frequently checking the beautifully illustrated website of our organization, created by former PBK NCA President and current Webmaster, Ray Hendess. It is usually kept up to the minute with information important to the membership, including the latest news, alerts, and corrections. Our comprehensive Newsletter, superb though it is, edited by our equally dedicated and resourceful Newsletter Editor, Gerry Richards, cannot keep us as currently informed because of the restrictions imposed by only four publication dates. Please read both!

We would also like to remind members of our annual dinner, to be held again at the UC Berkeley Faculty Club. Please make a note of the date, Sunday May 6, 2007. More details to follow later.

Two new requests which would ease our bookkeeping responsibilities considerably are that members registering for a program or programs, list the name of the tour(s) on the check as well as writing e-mail addresses as legibly as possible. As always, we heartily welcome all suggestions for future tours. Thank you!

, First Vice President - Programs

San Francisco Woman's BuildingMission Murals- Saturday, October 7

Treat yourself to an artistic display of world famous, fabulous, colorful murals in the Mission District of San Francisco. City Guides provides a walking tour, complete with personal guide, through a most unusual collection of decorated buildings in an unforgettable display of people’s art. Some of the murals depict historical, Latino legendary figures. Meet at Precita and Harrison behind Flynn Elementary School. Some murals may be view here

Public Transportation is available on Muni lines 12, 27.

Maps and directions are available via Mapquest

Minimum number: eight
Maximum number: twenty
Fee: $ 15.00
Date and Time: Saturday, October 7 (note, the previously announced date coincides with Mexican Independence Day with a probable large influx of people into the Mission District)
Deadline: TBA

Postcard Row, Alamo SquareWalking Tour of the Landmark Victorians - Saturday, October 14

View some of the most colorful and famous Victorian homes of Alamo Square in San Francisco with a member of Phi Beta Kappa as our personal guide! The Painted Ladies include the world famous Postcard Row. The walk does entail some upgrade, but our guide has promised to be considerate of the physical limits of our group. PBK member David Paul Cooney will meet us in front of 824 Grove Street.

Public transportation is available via Muni 21 and 22.
Maps and directions are available via Mapquest

Minimum number -eight
Maximum number-twenty
Fee: $ 15.00
Date and Time: Saturday, October 14 at 11:00 AM
Deadline: October 1, 2006

Hawk HillHawk Hill Tour-Saturday, October 28, 2006


California Wildlife viewed from Hawk Hill in the Marin headlands, is one of our most popular tours and for good reason. At this location, very close to the northern exit of the Golden Gate Bridge, is a remarkable opportunity to personally witness the fall migration of raptors (birds of prey). Among the birds that fly over this area, depending on the time of year, are: Ospreys, white-tailed kites, Northern harriers, Sharp-shinned Hawks, Cooper’s Hawks, Golden eagles, and American Kestrels to mention just a few.

Ranger\Naturalist Phil Johnson will be our guide as we ascend Hawk Hill, where some of these remarkable birds can be observed during their fall migration. We may also have the chance to witness some captured birds and observe the banding process. There will also be a talk on the subject of avian raptors. Interested members are urged to obtain a wealth of more detailed information available at the very informative Golden Gate Raptor Observatory website:

Dress warmly, since this is scheduled for late October. Bring sunscreen just in case the sun shines, binoculars if you have them, and your own lunch and water, since there are no food facilities. Although there is no picnic area, one may sit anywhere while watching the birds. All trash must be packed and removed from the headlands. Portable restrooms are available.

Bring your camera. Here's a sample of what Ray took last year. With less fog, we will get to see more hawks...

Date: Saturday, October 28, 2006
Time: 11:00 AM-2:00 PM. Banding usually demonstration occurs at 12:30 or 1:00 PM.
Deadline: October 14.

Price: $ 20.00 per person


Location: Hawk Hill is located off Conzelman Road in Marin County

From the South, cross the Golden Gate Bridge and take the second exit, Alexander Avenue. Get in the left lane following signs that read “101 San Francisco”. Turn left at the stop sign and cross under the freeway. Turn right onto Conzelman Road and drive 1.8 miles to Hawk Hill. Park alongside the road before it becomes one way, and then walk up the west side of Hawk Hill past the locked gate. It’s just a few hundred feet to the summit.
From the North, after going through the Waldo Tunnel, take the last Sausalito exit to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (the signs read Golden Gate National Recreation Area/Sausalito). Stay to the left. Turn left at the stop sign then right up the hill onto Conzelman Road. Stay on Conzelman Road for 1.8 miles. You will see a sign for Hawk Hill. Please note that, since parking is limited, car pooling is advised.

Meeting Place: Meet at the restrooms at the entrance to the tunnel before the short walk up the hill. Climbing the hill may be a burden to some of us. There may be a possibility of assistance in climbing Hawk Hill for those who might have difficulty otherwise. If such is the case, please contact at the time you send in your coupon and check.

PBKNCA Holiday tourSan Francisco Holiday Walk - Friday, December 8, 2006

This is the fourth year of one of our most popular programs.
In describing the details of the walk, with Jean James’ permission, I’m going to repeat, with some personal modifications, part of her enthusiastic description of this highly successful event!
Are you under the impression that Christmas decorations are just a few features of Macy’s window? Bestir yourself! Come join us for a guided tour of the uncommon holiday decorations in San Francisco. Our guide again will be Tom Filcich, an experienced tour guide for the College of Marin. We’ll visit many sites not usually included in ones daily routine. The artistry and design of many of these decorations demonstrate the virtuosity of their creators, and truly constitute a visual feast. Like Cleopatra, they are “of infinite variety.” In addition to the buoyant spirit of the holiday season, the walk enables one to become acquainted with a number of the major buildings and institutions, which play so vital a role in the life and commerce of San Francisco. The history of the individuals who inspired and built some of them will be mentioned. Be on the lookout for the portraits of two famous nineteenth century gentlemen, magnificent in their bearded state, Mr. Wells and Mr. Fargo, adorning the wall of the institution which they founded. Tom is very well informed, and welcomes questions.

We will meet in the atrium of the Ferry Building, near the Peet’s Coffee location, at 10:00 A.M., and make our way to Union Square. At the conclusion of the walk, those who wish to do so may dine at one of the many restaurants in the area, or do some holiday shopping. Lunch is not included in the fee.

Date: Friday, December 8, 2006
Time: 10:00 A.M.

Location: Ferry Building atrium, near Peet’s Coffee
Minimum number of attendees 15
Maximum number of attendees 35
Deadline for registration: November 25th
Fee: $ 25.00
Ferry Building area parking slots will be expensive and hard to find.
From the South Bay, there is the Cal Train choice, then “walk” or take Muni to the meeting place.
From the East Bay, Bart is always the preferred choice, exiting at the Embarcadero station, and walking over to the Ferry Building fairly close by.
From Marin, there is the Golden Gate Transit bus or the Ferry from Larkspur.
From the city itself, there are many buses going to the Terminal.
Information regarding all San Francisco Muni bus lines can be readily obtained by dialling 415-673-6864 or on the web (below). Tom suggests arriving early, in plenty of time to leave on the walk at 10:00 AM. Be sure to wear your most comfortable shoes!

Links to:

Golden Gate Transit
Larkspur Ferry

Anchor BrewingAnchor Brewing Company Tour - Thursday, January 11, 2007

Come sign up for what has been one of our most enjoyable and informative tours ,
the venerable (1896) Anchor Brewing Company of San Francisco. Although
limited to a maximum of twenty persons, and to weekdays, since the Brewery is closed
on weekends, the popularity of the tour was self evident. Accordingly, we decided to
repeat the tour this year.

The tour is conducted by a member of the Brewery staff, who is most knowledgeable, which is fortunate since beer making is a very old industry.. One soon learns that there are a multitude of varieties of beers and ales. The facility is spotless and immaculate, and most impressive.

The tour lasts about two hours, involves some walking, and tasting of the various beverages is offered.

Maximum registration: (adults only) 20
Minimum registration: 10
Date: Thursday, January 11, 2007
Time: 1:00 PM, but assemble by 12:45 PM

Deadline: December 31, 2006
Fee: Ten dollars
Location: 1705 Mariposa Street, at the corner of de Haro, San Francisco
Directions are available on their website

Bay ModelSan Francisco Bay Area Model Tour - February 6, 2007
A good website is here

Come join us in exploring the Model of the San Francisco Bay Area. We have arranged for a guided tour in early February. The Bay Model is a most remarkable learning facility dedicated to explaining the geography, the ecology and the human and natural history of the San Francisco Bay and Delta around which we live and probably largely take for granted.

The Army Corps of Engineers, responsible for most of the dredging and filling projects around the Bay, maintains the Bay Model in one of the original Marinship warehouses. The model is a two acre functional scale model of the entire Bay and Delta region, built originally to test bay fill projects, such as the Reber Plan, and which is now used primarily as an educational display. It is the only remaining, intact, and functioning hydraulic model of this size in America, and it shows the whole of the Bay and Delta region, surrounded by displays and kiosks.

Explanation of the tidal action, and the currents and eddies become more relevant as we recall the disastrous Tsunami which occurred in Asia recently. The Model provides a dynamic example of the various natural phenomena affecting our coastline. The Model is located close to Sausalito, and is best reached by automobile. After visiting the Model, we will have a much better appreciation of the unique area in which we live.

Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Time: 10:00 am

Deadline: January 25, 2007
Minimum number: 10
Maximum number: 30
Price: $ 10.00 per person
Directions: Accessible primarily by automobile. See Google maps

Coming from the South, take US 101, cross the Golden Gate Bridge, past Waldo Hill and take the Sausalito-Marin City exit on the right to Bridgeway which runs through the city of Sausalito. Take a left turn into West Harbor Drive, go about fifty feet and turn right into Marin Shipway. Look for signs mentioning the Bay Model Center. Coming from the North, one would take the Sausalito –Marin City exit on the right, then turn left immediately after exiting the freeway. Parking is free.

Annual Asilomar Conference - February 16-19, 2007. See details below

Stanford HomeStanford MansionTour - Saturday, March 3, 2007

One of the truly historic sites of California history is located in the former home of Leland and Jane Stanford. As a result of the efforts of a foundation, formed to restore the home as it was in the 1860's and 1870's, we now have an opportunity to experience the home as the Stanfords knew it in their lifetime. Interactive exhibits, artifacts and an orientation film are part of the visitors' legacy. One may observe many of the original furnishings of the Stanfords, the polished wood paneling, gilded mirrors, and crystal chandeliers. Visitors are also welcome to stroll through the Victorian Garden surrounding the Mansion.

Date: Saturday, March 3, 2007 Time: 1:00 PM
Deadline: February 21, 2007, Maximum number 50 Minimum number 10
Price: $15.00 Checks should be made payable to PBK NCA

Directions: Take I-80 east until reaching the Pioneer Bridge which crosses the Sacramento River. Take I-5 N exit toward Redding, and look for the Q Street exit. Take the latter exit, and continue all the way on Q Street until you reach Eighth Street. The Mansion is located on the corner of Eighth and N Street. For directions from your home, see Google Maps.

Location: 800 N Street, at the corner of Eighth and N Streets, in downtown Sacramento, two blocks west of the State Capitol. Enter through the gate on N Street, Follow the brick path to the Visitors Center at the rear of the property.
Parking on Saturday is said to be readily available, since State employees are not competing for parking on weekends.

Annual Asilomar Conference of PBKNCA

“Searching for Peace: Within, at Home, Abroad, and Beyond” - February 16-19, 2007

Administration building at AsilomarMark your calendar now and plan to attend Presidents' Day Weekend, February 16-19, 2007, with your Phi Beta Kappa friends at magnificent, 107-acre Asilomar, “Refuge by the Sea,” in Pacific Grove between Carmel and Monterey. According to the website, the conference grounds are “nestled along the shoreline of California's famed Monterey Peninsula, a tranquil ocean front retreat cradled by forests and white sand beaches. Designed by acclaimed architect Julia Morgan and embracing the Arts & Crafts architectural style, the . . . center harmonizes with its natural surroundings and has played host to thousands of visitors since its founding in 1913.”

If you are new to PBK or NCA, you are especially welcome. (Read all about last year's Conference here) Please come, make good friends, stimulate your intellect, appreciate peaceful ocean views, enjoy tasty meals, and contribute to our graduate student fellowships. Dress is casual. If you are concerned about winter weather on the central coast, don’t be. February is often better than summer fog. After all, it is the time the Monarchs migrate to Pacific Grove. When the sun shines, one can stroll a few blocks from the conference grounds and see thousands of butterflies searching for mates. (Not quite like college students at spring break in Palm Springs.) In addition to the speakers who provide opportunities for questions and discussion, there is free time to explore the Monterey Aquarium and other attractions in the area. You may come late and leave early. It is even possible to skip parts of the programs, as no one takes attendance or gives exams.

The conference begins with registration Friday, February 16, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. and ends after lunch on Monday, February 19. We hold a reception Friday for newcomers from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. and eat dinner from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Opening remarks and our first speaker are scheduled for 7:30 p.m.

The theme this year is “Searching for Peace: Within, at Home, Abroad, and Beyond.” To achieve our goal of hosting stimulating speakers, we have elicited your suggestions from last year’s conference evaluations and again enlisted the valuable assistance of our member, Bob Baronian, and his lovely wife, DeeDee, who live in Carmel Valley. They know the area and mine its tremendous resources. Although there are still some refinements to be made, working with the Baronians, we have a remarkably strong program lined up.

Our outstanding roster includes the following speakers:

• Dan Bursch, former NASA astronaut and retired Captain (USN), flew four missions, including six and one-half months on the international space station and 12 hours “walking” in space.

• Steve Fox, retired professor of history at Humboldt State University is author of two books on the FBI and surveillance of persons of German and Italian ancestry during World War II.

• Barbara Mossberg was president of Goddard College and now Dean at California State University Monterey Bay. Her poem “John Muir Takes a Sauna with the Finnish Ladies of Kuopio" was an Abbie M. Copps grand prize-winner.

• David Patel, Stanford University expert on Iraq, consults with the Council on Foreign Relations and is a repeated guest on NPR’s “All Things Considered.”

• John Provost, philosophy instructor at Monterey Peninsula College and Foothill College, has studied Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity. He plans to take us “Inside the Muslim Mind.”

• Gillian Thackray, one of our own members, worked for the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington and is principal in the intellectual property law firm of Isbester & Associates in Berkeley.

• Patrice Vecchione, a poet and teacher, has edited numerous works including Fault Lines: Children's Earthquake Poetry and Catholic Girls and Storming Heaven's Gate: Spiritual Writings by Women.

An added feature this year is “T’ai Chi with Diane.” Diane Bishop, one of our members, is a certified T’ai Chi for Arthritis instructor who teaches at Sierra College. She has volunteered to lead us through beginning exercises three mornings before breakfast. She uses the method of Dr. Paul Lam. His website describes the program as “warm-up, wind -down, Qigong exercises, special precautions and a set of 12 movement Sun-style T’ai Chi.” Wear loose, comfortable clothing and flat shoes to calm those twinges in the hinges.


The main purpose of our conference is for us to enjoy ourselves in a beautiful setting, and a secondary goal is to raise money for scholarships. The $100 per person registration fee covers the conference costs (speakers' expenses, equipment rental, wine with dinner, postage, duplicating, and office supplies, etc.). This past year's net proceeds enabled us to fund almost two, $5,000 graduate scholarships. For those who attended in 2006 and missed this information in the April newsletter, $84.17 of the 2006 registration fee is fully tax deductible. 

How much does the conference cost? Although Asilomar has not yet given us their 2007 pricing, it should be similar to last year. For three nights’ lodging and meals beginning with dinner on Friday and ending with lunch on Monday: $336.55 per adult double occupancy; $541.15 single occupancy; $196.57 youth (ages 3-17). A fee for using Asilomar facilities is included in the housing charge. If you live off-campus, Asilomar will add this nominal fee to your meal ticket.

Please spread the word. Bring guests, family or friends, and encourage your fellow Phi Betes to join us in 2007. Contact me by email and I will give you my mailing address. As soon as I receive your check, I will send you the housing form for you to return directly to Asilomar.

For those of you who promptly gave your deposit to Jean James in February, you do not need to fill out the coupon. By the time you receive this newsletter, your Asilomar housing forms should have arrived.

We are still working on some other great ideas, so be sure to check the November newsletter for Asilomar 2007’s final program. But as those of you know who have attended Asilomar in the past, the peaceful setting and the extremely interesting Phi Betes are what make our retreat truly special.

, Asilomar Chair

Phi Beta Kappa Northern California Association, Inc.

Copyright of event images resides with the originator of those images.
Copyright © 1997-2007 Phi Beta Kappa Northern California Association, Inc.
All rights reserved
Web Design by Ray Hendess